About Us
Top Hat Sec is a predominately White Hat Hacking community.
I want people to be able to come here and learn the art of hacking in a safe, fun, environment.
I want them to be able to take the skills and apply them to legitimate jobs, be it in the USA or overseas.
Growing up, I was never permitted to go to the hacking sites, but I always wanted to be a hacker.
But I was also someone who clung to the past and didn't want to get rid of my XP machine for years and years because it was "good enough."
I will Never forget the feeling I had when I participated in one of our early CTFs and using the THS Metasploit course, I compromised my first XP machine.
It was a big rush, an explosion of joy and elation... but also a wake up call!
We trade safety for convenience and familiarity, closing our eyes to the reality of the world.
Whether you are elite or a noob, the minute you stop learning and growing, you are vulnerable.
So lets stay sharp and rebuild Top Hat Sec together!